
Manifesting Like a Master (Except When You Don't)

Manifesting Like a Master (Except When You Don't): A Tragicomedy in Three Acts Act I: The Disappearing Tablet and the Cosmic Wish Let's be real, folks. Manifesting is like that friend who's always late to the party but makes a grand entrance when they finally show up. You can visualize your dream life, write affirmations until your hand cramps, and still feel like you're sending smoke signals to a universe that's clearly on Do Not Disturb mode. But then, every once in a while, the universe throws you a bone... or in my case, a folding phone. My tale of manifesting triumph (or spectacular failure, depending on how you look at it) begins with a misplaced tablet. After tearing my apartment apart in a caffeine-fueled frenzy, I came to the devastating conclusion that it had vanished into the ether. This was a major blow to my daily routine, which consisted of reading e-books on a large screen and occasionally using my phone for, you know, actual phone ca