Sitcom Title: "Armageddon GONE WILD!"

Sitcom Title: "Armageddon GONE WILD!"

In an alternate timeline, Y2K was the world’s biggest letdown, and the Armageddon disaster movie remained nothing but a popcorn flick. The Nesara Gesara bill passed, prompting the greatest transfer of wealth back to the people. But 9/11? Oh, that was all an elaborate hoax by the "Powers That Be" to siphon off gold reserves and steal ancient Iraqi artifacts. Fast forward to 2024, and America is completely different — free, financially sovereign, and a complete mess.

The sitcom follows a group of quirky, eccentric characters who have just found themselves ridiculously wealthy thanks to the new world order. These misfits are now navigating life with more money than sense, all while conspiracy theorists-turned-government employees, rogue billionaires, and even time-traveling Sumerian gods pop in to complicate their lives. With so much cash and freedom, things spiral out of control in hilariously unexpected ways!

Main Characters:

  1. Ben “Y2” Krazinsky – An ex-prepper who has spent his life waiting for the world to end. When it doesn’t, he finds himself incredibly wealthy due to the wealth transfer. Now he’s using his doomsday skills to figure out how to live in this utopia, where everyone has too much money.

  2. Connie "Conspiracy" Carlton – A conspiracy theorist who accidentally became a government spokesperson after she accidentally guessed that 9/11 was an inside job to steal the gold. She’s constantly dropping wild (and true) claims about the world, confusing the public more than explaining anything.

  3. Gina Goldstein – The central banker who turned whistleblower. Now she spends her time trying to stay relevant in a world that no longer needs banks. She opens a coffee shop on a whim, only to realize that everyone is now too rich to care about coffee prices.

  4. Alfie the Artifact – An ancient Sumerian god accidentally summoned from one of the stolen Iraqi artifacts. Alfie is now stuck in the modern world, doing odd jobs and giving cryptic advice that no one understands. He moonlights as a bartender, using ancient powers to get people more drunk than they intended.

  5. Richie Richerson – A billionaire who’s absolutely furious that the common folk have the same amount of wealth as him. He tries desperately to “get ahead” again by doing increasingly ridiculous things like trying to monetize free air and start his own country on a floating island.

  6. The Q Twins (Quinton and Quinn) – A set of twins who were deep into conspiracy forums and accidentally became part of the government’s secret task force. They keep screwing up missions to recover the stolen gold because they’re too busy debating what really happened on the moon landing.


  • Episode 1: "Oops, I’m Rich!"
    Ben wakes up after Y2K to find the world didn’t end, but his bank account has way too many zeroes. Now, instead of hoarding beans in his basement, he’s trying to figure out what to do with endless wealth — and accidentally buys a small country.

  • Episode 5: "Operation: Gold Digger"
    Connie convinces everyone that the 9/11 hoax was part of a plan to hide stolen gold in the basement of the new "Freedom Tower." The group tries to retrieve it by disguising themselves as janitors and accidentally discovering a portal to ancient Mesopotamia.

  • Episode 9: "Sumerian Happy Hour"
    Alfie uses his divine powers to create the ultimate hangover cure, but the gang starts seeing visions of the future — including how Richie is trying to tax their dreams to get back on top.

  • Episode 15: "Armageddon Outta Here, Part 1"

    The gang stumbles upon a secret vault in Alfie's ancient artifact bar while trying to retrieve one last stolen gold bar. Inside, they discover an unreleased Hollywood film reel titled Armageddon 2: The Boomerang Asteroid. At first, they think it's a joke, but upon playing it, they realize this movie holds clues that might explain the final piece of the 9/11 hoax and, more importantly, where the remaining gold was hidden.

    The premise of the movie-within-the-show is wild: after Bruce Willis heroically splits the asteroid in the original Armageddon, one half explodes into the shape of a giant boomerang. Of course, everyone assumed the danger was over—until the boomerang-shaped chunk starts hurtling back toward Earth!

    Naturally, the movie's heroes believe the asteroid is affected by "space wind" (because wind in space totally makes sense, right?). They spend half the movie building giant space fans to blow it off course. In the most dramatic moment, the heroes activate the fans, only to find out that, surprise, wind doesn't exist in space.

    Gag Alert:
    While watching this scene, Ben yells, "Wait… there's no wind in space! That makes no sense!" Connie, sipping a conspiracy-branded soda, rolls her eyes and says, "Hollywood never cared about physics. Why should they start now?" Alfie chimes in, "There was wind on Nibiru once… but we banned it. Caused too much chaos."

    Real-Life Chaos:
    As the group watches the film and debates how it could possibly help them with the gold, Richie Richerson bursts in with a plan to actually pitch Armageddon 2 to Hollywood. "You know those clowns would love this idea!" he exclaims. The gang, initially skeptical, eventually agrees—if only to find out what secret message the movie contains about the stolen artifacts.

    Part 1 ends with them heading to a ridiculous Hollywood pitch meeting, only to be immediately caught up in the glitz, glamour, and nonsensical logic of movie producers who genuinely think “space wind” is the next big thing.

  • Episode 16: "Armageddon Outta Here, Part 2"

    The gang walks into a high-powered Hollywood pitch meeting. The studio execs, overly caffeinated and bizarrely enthusiastic, love the concept of Armageddon 2. The head producer, a slick-talking exec named Jerry Overhype, can’t stop repeating, “Asteroids? Boomerangs? This is the cinematic event of the century!” He demands to hear more.

    The gang, unprepared for an actual pitch, starts winging it:

    • Ben describes how the heroes build even bigger fans to fix their mistake (because, obviously, they think more wind might work).
    • Connie adds a subplot about how the government faked the asteroid’s return to control the public through fear.
    • Richie tries to sell them on a tie-in merchandise deal for Boomerang-shaped asteroids—collectible, of course.

    The Hollywood execs love everything, despite none of it making sense. The gang is on the verge of selling the ridiculous movie, but something is off. In the producer’s office, Connie notices an ancient artifact—the very same missing Iraqi artifact they've been hunting! Turns out, the producers have been financing films using stolen gold bars and covering it up with absurd, big-budget blockbusters.

    Gag Alert:
    During the meeting, Alfie, who’s still posing as their “spiritual consultant,” dramatically says, “There is no wind in space, only chaos… and occasionally, boomerangs.” The producers immediately latch onto the idea and try to turn it into a line for the movie’s trailer. “Say that again, but with more emotion! We need ‘Oscar-worthy’ cryptic nonsense!”

    The Big Reveal:
    As they try to sneak out with the artifact, the gang accidentally triggers a recording device hidden inside the Armageddon 2 reel. It’s a confession from one of the government insiders who faked 9/11 to steal the gold! Turns out, the entire Nesara/Gesara hoax was financed by the film industry, and 9/11 was just a distraction to make terrible disaster movies for decades.

    Final Scene:
    The gang successfully escapes Hollywood with the artifact, but the studio execs are so enamored with the Armageddon 2 pitch that they greenlight the film anyway. As they run out of the studio, Ben looks back and says, "I can’t believe we just sold a movie about space wind!" Connie smirks, “Well, if you sell them something this dumb, I bet we could get anything made. Next up: Titanic 2… Now with More Icebergs!

    Part 2 ends with the group returning home, laughing at how they accidentally broke open one of the biggest conspiracies in history by pitching the world’s dumbest sequel. They decide to never, ever mention “space wind” again.

    "In space, no one can hear you laugh… except maybe at a boomerang-shaped asteroid hurtling your way!"

Recurring Gags:

  • Connie dropping random conspiracy truths that sound ridiculous — but end up being true by the next episode.
  • Ben constantly slipping back into doomsday mode, prepping for new, nonsensical “crises” that never come.
  • Alfie mixing modern slang with ancient Sumerian prophecy, confusing everyone to no end.
  • Richie trying to exploit the loopholes in the Nesara/Gesara system, like selling NFTs of freshly baked bread or taxing "good vibes."

Tagline: “Welcome to the richest, most absurd utopia… where conspiracy is reality, and wealth is just the beginning of the madness!”

This sitcom would have everything: quirky characters, wild conspiracy theories, and hilarious explorations of what would happen if the world actually did what the theorists thought — and it was just as ridiculous as you'd imagine.

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