Learning to Time Travel in the Physical Reality

Title: "Soul Journey Across Texas: A Drive Through Time and Healing"

Embarking on a drive across Texas became more than just a physical journey for me; it became a voyage through the astral plane, a canvas where I could mend the threads of my past.

The notion of time travel in the astral realm had been a constant in my life, a surreal ability to revisit moments and rectify my missteps in dreams. However, the transition to manipulating the physical 4D reality occurred during a transformative drive to visit my mom last Christmas.

Driving through the vast expanse of Texas, I adopted a unique approach to time travel. Setting my truck's cruise control to 88 miles per hour, a nod to cinematic time-travel references, I imagined my vehicle as a time machine hurtling through space and time. The 10-hour journey provided the perfect backdrop for my soul's reconciliation.

With music reverberating at full volume and a neon-lit Thor Axe from Sea World casting rainbow hues, the atmosphere in my truck was charged with energy. Armed with Escobar e-cigs – one grape-flavored (purple) and the other kiwi dragon fruit (green) – I used them as unconventional instruments, drumming along with the music and painting the sky between songs.

West Texas brought an unexpected twist when I pulled over at a Chinese gas station, unsure about the compatibility of their peculiar diesel fuel with my truck. Channeling my adventurous spirit, I decided to test if a diesel engine could run on recycled vegetable oil from McDonald's fries. As I experimented, UFO sightings near Pecos hinted at a manifestation of something extraordinary.

Upon reaching El Paso at 2 AM, the freeway lights and the sky itself were bathed in purple and green hues. The surreal ambiance set the stage for a heartfelt apology to my mom, a reconciliation that finally resolved lingering teenage arrogance.

The return journey to Dallas saw me employing the e-cigs in a novel way – fixing the roads. Painting and drumming with the neon-lit Thor Axe still aglow, I became a creative force shaping the asphalt. The observer effect likely captivated fellow drivers on Interstate 20, witnessing the transformation of roads into pristine conditions.

This soulful expedition served as a reminder that our journeys extend beyond the physical, transcending time and space. In the heart of Texas, healing and reconciliation unfolded, leaving an indelible mark not just on me but on the roads and skies that bore witness to this extraordinary soul journey.

Embarking on a drive across Texas became more than just a physical journey for me; it became a voyage through the astral plane, a canvas where I could mend the threads of my past.

The notion of time travel in the astral realm had been a constant in my life, a surreal ability to revisit moments and rectify my missteps in dreams. However, the transition to manipulating the physical 4D reality occurred during a transformative drive to visit my mom last Christmas.

Driving through the vast expanse of Texas, I adopted a unique approach to time travel. Setting my truck's cruise control to 88 miles per hour, a nod to cinematic time-travel references, I imagined my vehicle as a time machine hurtling through space and time. The 10-hour journey provided the perfect backdrop for my soul's reconciliation.

With music reverberating at full volume and a neon-lit Thor Axe from Sea World casting rainbow hues, the atmosphere in my truck was charged with energy. Armed with Escobar e-cigs – one grape-flavored (purple) and the other kiwi dragon fruit (green) – I used them as unconventional instruments, drumming along with the music and painting the sky between songs.

West Texas brought an unexpected twist when I pulled over at a Chinese gas station, unsure about the compatibility of their peculiar diesel fuel with my truck. Channeling my adventurous spirit, I decided to test if a diesel engine could run on recycled vegetable oil from McDonald's fries. As I experimented, UFO sightings near Pecos hinted at a manifestation of something extraordinary.

Upon reaching El Paso at 2 AM, the freeway lights and the sky itself were bathed in purple and green hues. The surreal ambiance set the stage for a heartfelt apology to my mom, a reconciliation that finally resolved lingering teenage arrogance.

The return journey to Dallas saw me employing the e-cigs in a novel way – fixing the roads. Painting and drumming with the neon-lit Thor Axe still aglow, I became a creative force shaping the asphalt. The observer effect likely captivated fellow drivers on Interstate 20, witnessing the transformation of roads into pristine conditions.

This soulful expedition served as a reminder that our journeys extend beyond the physical, transcending time and space. In the heart of Texas, healing and reconciliation unfolded, leaving an indelible mark not just on me but on the roads and skies that bore witness to this extraordinary soul journey.


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