Pillar of Light Meditation: Sending Cosmic Energy to the Gaia Grid

Pillar of Light Meditation: Sending Cosmic Energy to the Gaia Grid

In this meditation, you'll take in Radiant Diamond Light from the universe, balance your chakras, and exit through the Earth Star Chakra to help heal our planet. By focusing on your 12 chakras, you will align and energize them, ultimately sending healing energy back into the Gaia Grid. Follow these simple steps to enjoy a fun and engaging meditation experience.


  1. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. Use a cushion, a mat, or a bed. Ensure you are free from noise and distractions.

  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax your body and mind, letting go of any tension or worry.

  3. Earth Star Chakra (about 12 inches below your feet):
    Imagine a bright white light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to the earth. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am grounded, stable, and secure. I release any negative energies and karma from my past lives."

  4. Root Chakra (base of your spine):
    Imagine a vibrant red light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your survival instincts, basic needs, and sense of belonging. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am confident, courageous, and resilient. I have everything I need to thrive."

  5. Sacral Chakra (lower abdomen):
    Imagine a radiant orange light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your creativity, sexuality, emotions, and pleasure. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am passionate, joyful, and harmonious. I express myself freely and fully."

  6. Solar Plexus Chakra (upper abdomen):
    Imagine a brilliant yellow light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your personal power, will, and self-esteem. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am assertive, confident, and motivated. I act with purpose and integrity."

  7. Heart Chakra (center of your chest):
    Imagine a glowing green light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am connected, generous, and peaceful. I love myself and others unconditionally."

  8. Throat Chakra (throat):
    Imagine a dazzling blue light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your communication, expression, and truth. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am authentic, honest, and articulate. I speak my truth with clarity and kindness."

  9. Third Eye Chakra (forehead):
    Imagine a radiant indigo light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your intuition, imagination, and wisdom. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am insightful, visionary, and aware. I trust my inner guidance and follow my dreams."

  10. Crown Chakra (top of your head):
    Imagine a brilliant violet light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to the divine, the source, and the higher self. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am enlightened, transcendent, and blissful. I am one with the all that is."

  11. Soul Star Chakra (about 6 inches above your head):
    Imagine a luminous white light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to your soul's essence and purpose. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am a divine being of light and love. I know who I am and why I am here."

  12. Spirit Star Chakra (about 12 inches above your head):
    Imagine a sparkling silver light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to the universal energy and the collective consciousness. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am a part of the whole and the whole is a part of me. I experience unity, harmony, and oneness."

  13. Universal Chakra (about 18 inches above your head):
    Imagine a radiant gold light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to the multiverse and the infinite possibilities. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am beyond the limitations of time and space. I explore other dimensions and realities."

  14. Galactic Chakra (about 24 inches above your head):
    Imagine a dazzling platinum light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to the galactic consciousness and the star beings. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am a cosmic citizen and a star seed. I receive guidance, support, and healing from my star family."

  15. Divine Gateway Chakra (about 36 inches above your head):
    Imagine a brilliant diamond light shining from this chakra. Feel its connection to the source of all creation and the divine will. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning the chakra like a pinwheel until it spins on its own. Say to yourself: "I am a co-creator and a master of my destiny. I align with my highest potential and manifest my soul's purpose."

  16. Aligning and Balancing:
    Imagine that all your 12 chakras are aligned and balanced. Visualize a column of light connecting them from the Earth Star Chakra to the Divine Gateway Chakra. Feel the flow and coherence of your bioelectromagnetic field and the harmony and resonance of your frequency. As you breathe out, imagine a soft wind spinning each chakra like a pinwheel until they all spin on their own. Say to yourself: "I am a whole and complete being. I am in tune with myself, with others, and with the universe."

  17. Stay in this state of awareness and bliss for as long as you like. When you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to your normal consciousness. Take a moment to thank yourself for this meditation and appreciate the benefits it has brought you.

Congratulations, you have just meditated with the 12 chakras using the Pillar of Light Meditation! Repeat this meditation as often as you like and notice the positive changes in your life. Experiment with different colors, sounds, affirmations, and visualizations for each chakra to find what works best for you. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to meditate, as long as you do it with intention and attention.


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