What Would Mary Do? A Fun Poke at the Ultimate "Mom Decision" in Religion

What Would Mary Do? A Fun Poke at the Ultimate "Mom Decision" in Religion

Alright folks, let’s dive into a cosmic "What If?" scenario that’s sure to tickle your theological funny bone. Picture this: You’re Mary, the mother of Jesus. Your son is perfect—like, literally perfect. He’s kind, wise, and oh-so-holy. But here's the kicker: He’s destined to kick the bucket for the sake of all humanity. Talk about a heavy load of laundry to deal with!

Now, as a mom, you’d move mountains to protect your kid, right? You’d probably storm into the PTA meeting (or in this case, the heavenly council) and demand a recount. So, let's stir the celestial pot and ask: Should you save your perfect son and hit the cosmic reset button?

Imagine the scene: Mary, standing in the grand courtroom of Heaven, hands on her hips, ready to negotiate with the Big Guy upstairs. “Listen, God, I know you’ve got this whole redemption plan, but can’t we just, I don’t know, start over? Maybe without the whole crucifixion thing?”

The idea is both absurd and amusing. I mean, think about it. If Mary had the option to redo the universe, would she go for it? Let’s be real, most moms have considered turning back time just to save their kid from a skinned knee or a bad haircut. But this? This is next-level momming.

On one hand, hitting the reset button would mean peace of mind and a happily ever after for her beloved boy. But on the other, it’d mean rewriting the greatest redemption story ever told. No Easter, no salvation, no chocolate bunnies (oh wait, those are still around). 

It's the ultimate mom decision: Protect your kid or save the universe. And while it's fun to imagine Mary giving God a piece of her mind, her actual decision (or lack thereof) highlights an extraordinary blend of love, faith, and acceptance.

So next time you think about the story of Jesus, take a moment to appreciate the cosmic scale of the decisions involved. And maybe, just maybe, chuckle at the thought of Mary trying to negotiate her way out of the ultimate divine plan. Because if anyone could give God a run for his money, it’d be a determined mom.


What do you think?


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