Another Way to Change Your Reality: The Burn-and-Ban Method

Another Way to Change Your Reality: The Burn-and-Ban Method

Step 1: List the Lies You’ve Been Told

Grab a piece of paper, and let’s get to work. Write down everything that doesn’t sit right with you anymore. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Drinking coffee is not a sin; it’s just hot bean soup. Seriously, why did anyone ever make a big deal out of this? If coffee is the devil's drink, then sign me up for eternal damnation with a side of biscotti.

  • I believe life is supposed to be easy and fun. Freedom, joy and peace is our birth right. Yes, adulting is a scam. Remember when they said, “Life is tough, but so are you”? That was probably a pep talk for gladiators, not for people trying to find their keys every morning.

  • I don’t believe in a punishing and fear-promoting deity who lost his kids in the Garden of Eden. Let’s face it, if you lost your kids in a garden, you wouldn’t be a vengeful deity—you’d be the star of a new parenting reality show called Where the Hell Are My Children?

  • I believe God is not a Man. If the universe is here to experience infinity, why would a specific gender even be a thing? I mean, I guess I’m a fractal of the Universe experiencing me being male in this lifetime, but I’ve been both sexes in previous lives. So, let’s drop the idea that the Almighty needs to have a particular plumbing setup.

  • I don’t believe in Taxes because my Inner Dragon eats IRS Agents. Taxes are the universe’s way of saying, “We heard you like paying for stuff, so we’ll take your money even before you see it.” But fear not, summon your inner spirit friend and dragon, and let it feast on those pesky IRS or other soulless agents . It’s way more satisfying than deductions.

  • Whoever told you discrimination and racism in any form is cool, they LIED. Racism is not, was not, and never will be cool. It’s the epitome of ignorance dressed up in false superiority. Time to torch that belief into oblivion.

  • Drop ancestral karma. We’re not held liable for our great-great-great-grandparents' sins. Our DNA connects everyone on Earth to one of two women in Africa. So, individually, we cannot be judged for all the BS and crimes done by everyone ever. Let’s leave the past where it belongs—in history books and DNA tests, not in our daily guilt trips.

  • Sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll are the reason we volunteered. Oxytocin is the most powerful drug there is, so are you saying hugs are illegal? Seriously, the real question is, why are we not hugging more? If sex, drugs (produced by our own bodies serotonin, adrenaline, oxytocin ect.), and rock ’n’ roll are wrong, I don’t want to be right.

  • Governments and borders were only created to divide us like cafeteria cliques. It's time to move on. Let's not let outdated systems keep us separated when we could all be sharing our snacks and sitting at the same table. Time to break down those walls and expand the lunchroom.

  • Neckties are just nooses. Can’t believe how white-collar drones fell for this joke. The corporate world sold us on the idea that choking ourselves slowly was a sign of professionalism. Newsflash: It’s not. Ninjas don't wear neckties or capes.

  • We create our own reality. Be the king or queen of your recliner or an invisible NPC its your choice.  Those who think they have control of your reality can be flicked into the void like a paper football. Give them a flick, and watch them spiral into oblivion. Your reality, your rules. Or you can at least block them and ignore their BS.

  • Anything else you know in your heart is bullshit. Go ahead, spill the tea. Eveeything that does not serve you, whether it’s the myth of a 40-hour workweek being a sign of success, or that carbs are the enemy—write it down. This is your chance to purge all the nonsense.

Step 2: Burn, Baby, Burn

Now, take that list, and in the safest way possible (no need to involve your local fire department), burn it. As the paper turns to ash, imagine those beliefs going up in smoke, never to enter your reality again. It’s like a spiritual cleanse, but with a touch of pyromania.

Step 3: Embrace Your New Reality

Congratulations, you’ve just done a cosmic reset! Without those outdated, limiting beliefs, you’re free to create the life you’ve always wanted—one filled with hot bean soup, a gender-fluid deity, a dragon at your service, and a universe that’s just here to have a good time.

So, the next time someone tells you to just “accept reality,” hand them a lighter and a piece of paper. You know what to do.

#RealityReset #BurnAndBan #SpiritualCleanse #CosmicReboot #BeliefPurge #Empowerment #InfiniteUniverse #GenderFluidDeity #InnerDragon #ManifestYourLife #MindsetShift #CreateYourReality #NoToRacism #FlickToTheVoid

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