The Game of Awakening: Trusting in the Divine as We Level Up

Title: The Game of Awakening: Trusting in the Divine as We Level Up

Welcome to the grand game of Earth, where we’ve reached an exciting checkpoint: 80% awakened! 🎉 That means 4 out of 5 people you meet on this beautiful planet are fully souled, buzzing with divine energy, and waking up to their true, infinite selves. The rest? Well, they’re the NPCs (Non-Playable Characters), robots, or maybe even clones—here to add a bit of flavor and challenge to our collective journey.

But here’s the kicker: the shapeshifters, those sneaky beings who thrive on lower vibes, can’t handle Earth’s new, higher frequency. As we continue to raise our vibrations, they’re finding it harder and harder to stick around. Imagine trying to play a video game at level 100 with a character that’s stuck at level 1—doesn’t quite work, right? That’s exactly what’s happening on Earth right now!

The Light has already won in the higher realms. The epic battle between light and dark? Spoiler alert: the Light wins! In those higher dimensions, where time is a bit more wibbly-wobbly and less linear, the victory is already a done deal. So what does that mean for us down here in the denser, slower-moving realms? It means we get to enjoy the ride, trust in the divine timing, and know that we’re on the winning team.

Think of it like watching your favorite movie where you already know the ending—there might be some plot twists and nail-biting moments, but you can relax because you know it all turns out okay.

As we move through this awakening process, it’s important to trust in the divine plan. Everything is happening exactly as it should, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Those challenging moments? They’re just part of the game, testing our resolve and helping us level up.

So, what’s next? Embrace your role in this cosmic adventure! Keep raising your vibe, spread that high-frequency love, and remember: you’re surrounded by a vast majority of awakened souls who are here to co-create a brighter, more beautiful reality.

And for those NPCs, robots, and clones? They’re just background characters in our story, providing contrast and helping us appreciate the journey even more.

The Light has already won, and the only thing left to do is trust, have fun, and keep shining your light. Game on, Earthlings! 🌟

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