Ancestral Karma Blues

"Ancestral Karma Blues"

Verse 1:
My great great great grandpa, man, he sure was a mess,
He started some trouble, now I gotta confess,
They say I'm paying dues for sins I didn't do,
But hey, I’m done with that, I’m dropping this bad juju!

Drop that karma, leave it in the dust,
I’m not paying for crimes from way back when in rust,
Our DNA connects us, but I’m breaking free,
Can’t judge me for the sins of my whole damn family tree!

Verse 2:
They say we’re all linked back to two women in the land,
But why should I pay for what I don’t understand?
History’s a wild ride, full of ancient BS,
But I’m moving on, no more carrying this stress!

Drop that karma, leave it in the dust,
I’m not paying for crimes from way back when in rust,
Our DNA connects us, but I’m breaking free,
Can’t judge me for the sins of my whole damn family tree!

Ancestral woes, they tried to bring me down,
But I’m shaking off those chains, no more wearing that frown,
I’m living in the now, not in what they did,
Time to rewrite the story, I’m flipping the script!

Verse 3:
Sorry, nobody to slap today,
I’ve got no grudges left to pay,
I’m living light, no burden in my way,
Ancestral karma? Man, I threw it away!

Drop that karma, leave it in the dust,
I’m not paying for crimes from way back when in rust,
Our DNA connects us, but I’m breaking free,
Can’t judge me for the sins of my whole damn family tree!

So here’s to the future, I’m rewriting my tale,
No more carrying karma, I’m setting sail,
Ancestral baggage? I’m leaving it behind,
Living my own life, got freedom on my mind!

Unveil the Shadows in "Duality's Embrace: The Shadow Games"! 🌗

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