Episode 10: "Richie’s Floating Kingdom"

 Episode 10: "Richie’s Floating Kingdom"

Plot: Richie creates his own floating country, complete with himself as king, and invites the gang to join his utopia. But his vision quickly spirals into chaos. Meanwhile, Connie, fed up with the press’s repetitive questions, has a meltdown, revealing shocking truths about the media, religions, and beloved sci-fi franchises. Connie’s outburst causes a frenzy of conspiracy theories that only adds to the mess on Richie’s island, while Alfie watches everything unravel with amusement.

Scene 1: Connie’s Press Meltdown
Setting: The press is gathered in front of a podium. Connie, clearly frustrated, faces a barrage of repetitive questions.

Journalist #1 (pushing a microphone in Connie's face):
“Connie, what’s your stance on Alfie’s alleged connection to ancient Sumerian gods?”

Connie (rolling her eyes):
"Really? You’re asking the same old garbage again? Fine, I’ll make this easy for you. Everything you’ve been told? It’s a lie—religion, media, the whole thing! Humans have been in a stupidity spell for thousands of years."

Journalist #2 (scribbling notes):
"What do you mean, everything’s a lie?"

Connie (smirking):
"You think Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings are fiction? Wrong. They’re history books. Yeah, everything in them happened, but they’ve been repackaged as entertainment to keep you distracted. Enjoy your ignorance! Oh Ya, and the moon is the Death Star"

The crowd erupts, cameras flashing and journalists furiously writing.

Connie (to herself, muttering):
"Great, now someone’s asking if The Matrix was a documentary. Duh."

Scene 2: Richie’s Floating Kingdom Unveiled
Setting: Richie’s floating island. The gang arrives by boat, looking skeptical as Richie enthusiastically tours them through his new ‘country.’

Richie (proudly):
“Welcome to Richie-topia, my floating utopia! As king, I declare this the happiest place on Earth!”

Ben (whispering to Connie):
“You see that one tree? Pretty sure it’s already dead.”

Connie (still annoyed from her press meltdown):
“Can’t wait to tell the press Richie built his kingdom on a raft.”

Richie (interrupting):
“And I even have my own flag—a giant karaoke microphone!”

The gang rolls their eyes as they follow him through the ramshackle setup. Alfie, as usual, finds humor in the chaos.

Scene 3: Conspiracy Theories Explode
Setting: Back in Richie’s makeshift palace, the gang is gathered around a tiny TV, watching the aftermath of Connie’s press conference. The internet is exploding with wild conspiracy theories.

Richie (laughing but nervous):
"Connie, you really went and told the world Star Wars is real? Now I’m getting calls from people who think Richie-topia is a government experiment."

Connie (defensive):
"Hey, they were gonna twist my words anyway! I just gave them something to chew on."

Ben (exasperated):
“People are already saying Spock is their ancestor. Now we have that to deal with, too.”

Alfie (grinning):
“They’re only scratching the surface. Wait until they figure out that Gandalf really does live out in the woods somewhere.”

Connie (throwing up her hands):
“Great, Alfie. Why don’t you go ahead and tell them Richie’s island is Atlantis while you’re at it?”

Scene 4: Richie’s "Brilliant" Publishing Idea
Setting: Richie unveils his latest business venture to the group—his “Sci-Fi Realities” publishing company.

Richie (holding up mock-up books):
"Check it out, guys! I’m starting a whole line of ‘historical reprints’—Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, all of it! People can buy the truth!"

Connie (facepalming):
"Richie, you can’t just sell sci-fi as real history."

Richie (grinning):
"Why not? You said it yourself, Connie! The truth is subjective."

Alfie (nodding sagely):
"People do love a good story, especially when they think it’s real."

Connie (groaning):
“Am I the only one here who’s worried we’re creating a mass delusion?”

Ben (sarcastically):
“Well, you did tell them Starfleet is out there somewhere.”

Scene 5: Richie’s Karaoke Performance
Setting: Poker night on Richie’s island. Everyone’s at the table, but Richie is too busy belting out an off-key rendition of “We Are the Champions” to notice the others folding their hands.

Richie (singing dramatically):
“We are the champions, my friends!”

Ben (whispering to Connie):
“I think he forgot we’re playing poker.”

Connie (smirking):
“He’s too far into his karaoke kingdom now.”

By the end of the song, Richie triumphantly throws his arms in the air, completely oblivious to the fact that he’s lost every hand.

Richie (gasping):
"Wait, you guys folded? You didn’t tell me!"

Alfie (chuckling):
“We wanted to hear you finish the song, King Richie.”

Scene 6: The Aftermath
Setting: Back on dry land, Connie faces the press once again, trying to calm the frenzy she created.

Connie (sighing):
"Look, I wasn’t saying you should all run around in Jedi robes or try to find Middle-earth. These stories have truths in them, okay? They’re metaphors, people!"

Journalist #1 (excitedly):
"So, we could be Jedi?"

Connie (laughing in defeat):
"Sure, why not? May the Force be with you."

Scene 7: Wrapping Up at Richie’s Kingdom
Setting: The gang relaxes at Richie’s floating island as they reflect on the chaos of the past week.

Ben (scrolling his phone):
“Well, Connie, you’re officially the person who turned sci-fi into history. Congrats.”

Richie (holding up a pre-order list):
"And thanks to you, I’ve sold 300 copies of my ‘historical’ Star Wars reprint!"

Connie (sighing):
"I can’t believe this is my life."

Alfie (grinning):
"Relax, Connie. Truth and fiction have always danced together. Let’s see who figures it out first."

End Scene


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