Episode 12: “Conspiracy Karaoke”

Episode 12: “Conspiracy Karaoke”

Plot: Connie convinces the gang that specific karaoke songs hold hidden government codes, capable of unlocking secret knowledge. They gather at Richie’s mansion for a karaoke night, where they attempt to decode the messages. But things spiral out of control when Richie turns the evening into a wild talent show.

Poker Game Moment: Richie loses big at poker, too distracted by his over-the-top performance of “Eye of the Tiger” to realize the gang is strategically wiping him out.

Scene 1: "Karaoke Setup"

Setting: Richie’s mansion. The living room is decked out with flashing lights, a karaoke machine, and a stage-like setup. The gang is scattered around, prepping for karaoke night. Richie is already getting into full showman mode.

Richie (excitedly):
"Alright, everyone, get ready for the performance of a lifetime! I’m thinking we open with ‘Eye of the Tiger’—nothing says conspiracy like a Rocky anthem!"

Connie (smirking):
"Actually, I have a theory. Certain songs—if sung just right—can unlock hidden government codes. We could be sitting on a goldmine of secret information."

The gang gives her a skeptical look, but they’re used to Connie’s wild ideas.

Gina (laughing):
"So we’re gonna belt out some 80s tunes and crack the matrix wide open?"

Connie (serious):
"Exactly. You’d be surprised how much they hide in plain sight. Tonight, we’re not just singing—we’re decoding."

Scene 2: "Connie and Alfie’s Debrief"

Setting: Later in the night, after a couple of karaoke attempts and chaotic performances, Connie and Alfie sneak up to the rooftop of Richie’s mansion for a breather. The city lights twinkle below as they sip drinks, watching the distant horizon.

Connie (sighing, shaking her head):
“You know, Alfie, it’s almost ridiculous. The real bad guys left ages ago, and now it’s just humans addicted to power running the show, thinking they’ve won.”

Alfie leans back, swirling his drink, grinning.

Alfie (grinning mischievously):
“Oh, they’re in for a surprise. Once the Pleiadians figure out how to jump into their TV sets, those humans are in so much trouble.”

Connie chuckles, glancing at Alfie.

Connie (laughing):
"Right? One minute they’re watching a political debate, next minute, BAM—alien intervention through the flat screen."

Alfie (smirking):
“Yeah, they’re like the last villain standing in a bad soap opera, completely unaware the writers have already planned their exit.”

Connie (leaning in, grinning):
"And once those power-hungry bad actors are finally out of the way, humanity gets the keys to all the ancient Atlantean tech. Warp drive, teleportation, free energy—all of it!"

Alfie (laughing):
"Oh, they’re gonna lose their minds. Just wait until someone tries to teleport to the Bahamas and ends up in Alfheim."

Connie (mocking):
"‘Uh, yeah, so I was aiming for a tropical getaway but now I’m stuck with elves. Help?’"

They burst into laughter, the conversation lightening the mood before they head back inside for more karaoke chaos.

Scene 3: "Richie’s Talent Show"

Setting: Back in the mansion, Richie has fully embraced the night’s absurdity, turning karaoke into an impromptu talent show. He’s belting out “Eye of the Tiger” with full Rocky-level intensity, while the gang sits at the poker table, clearly distracted by Richie’s antics.

Richie (singing dramatically):
“Risin' up, back on the street…”

He’s dancing and doing air punches while the gang exchanges glances. They start playing poker behind his back, whispering strategies as Richie loses focus.

Gina (whispering):
"How is he not noticing this? We’re wiping the floor with him."

Connie (grinning):
"His dramatic performance is way too important right now. Keep dealing."

Richie finishes the song with a dramatic flourish, arms in the air, panting.

Richie (gasping for breath, oblivious):
"Now that’s how you kick off a conspiracy karaoke night!"

The gang bursts into laughter, knowing they’ve played him like a fiddle.

Scene 4: "The Final Revelation"

Setting: As the night wraps up, the gang gathers around the poker table, with Richie’s pile of chips severely depleted. He’s still in high spirits, though.

Richie (beaming):
"Alright, I may have lost the poker game, but I think I won the talent show. Admit it."

Connie (grinning):
"You did put on quite a show, Richie. But I’m afraid the real winners tonight were those government codes we unlocked."

Gina (laughing):
"Yeah, we’re gonna be on a watchlist for singing ‘Sweet Caroline.’"

Richie (nodding, completely serious):
"Totally worth it."

End of Episode


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