Episode 13: "NFT Nonsense"

Episode 13: "NFT Nonsense"

Plot: Richie’s latest get-rich-quick scheme involves selling NFTs of absurd objects like holographic bread and virtual bottled water. The gang tries to warn him it’s a scam, but Richie is convinced he’s on the cutting edge—until things go horribly wrong. Meanwhile, the gang stumbles upon an alternate reality machine, which gets tangled up with Richie’s NFT disaster. Connie faces a mini-reality crisis, and The Q Twins unleash chaos with their latest invention.

Scene 1: Richie’s NFT Scheme

Setting: Richie’s mansion, where the gang is gathered for their weekly poker game. Richie is in full sales mode, standing by a holographic display of his ridiculous NFTs—everything from virtual bottled water to holographic bread.

Richie (excited, pacing):
“I’m telling you, guys—this is the future! Who wouldn’t want digital bread? It’s gluten-free and, best of all, non-existent!”

Connie (rolling her eyes):
“Richie, I hate to break it to you, but no one’s going to buy virtual bottled water. It's just air.”

Gina (grinning):
“Technically, they’re buying the concept of water. The hydration is implied.”

The gang laughs, but Richie is unfazed, convinced he’s on the brink of something huge.

Alfie (calmly sipping his tea):
“You might want to rethink this, Richie. I’ve seen alternate realities where people tried to sell holographic pizzas. Didn’t end well.”

Scene 2: Connie’s Reality Crisis

Setting: Later, while Richie continues to pitch his NFTs, Connie and Alfie step into the den where an odd machine hums in the corner—a contraption they found earlier. The machine opens portals to alternate realities, and Connie has been obsessively trying to figure out which reality is her “true” one. Alfie, as usual, is completely unfazed.

Connie (scratching her head, frustrated):
“Alfie, how do I tell which of these realities is mine? Every time I think I’ve found it, something feels off. How do I know what’s real?”

Alfie (chuckling, casually sipping tea):
“It’s easy. If you don’t recognize it, it’s not yours.”

Connie (in disbelief):
“That’s it? So I’m just supposed to ignore anything unfamiliar?”

Alfie (grinning):
“Not exactly. If you like it, it can become part of your reality, because you observed it. Your choice, free will and all.”

Connie stops, processing what he said. She glances at the different portals.

Connie (grinning):
“So, I can just… pick and choose what I want in my reality?”

Alfie (nodding):
“Exactly. Reality’s more flexible than most people think.”

Connie (mocking):
“Well, that’s oddly comforting. So if I see something crazy in one of these realities, I can just decide not to bring it back?”

Alfie (smirking):
“Or keep it if you’re into crazy. After all, your reality, your rules.”

Before Connie can respond, chaos erupts from the other room.

Scene 3: The Q Twins’ Antics

Setting: The living room. Suddenly, Quinton and Quinn—the Q Twins—burst through the door, dressed in matching neon outfits and holding a giant, glowing device they call the Q-Ray 3000. Everyone turns to look as they make their dramatic entrance.

Quinton (shouting):
“Fear not, we’re here to save Richie’s NFT empire!”

Quinn (grinning):
“Or crash it. Either way, it’ll be awesome!”

The gang groans at the sight of the Q Twins. Alfie, completely unfazed, just sips his tea, while Richie’s eyes light up in excitement.

Richie (excited):
“Wait, you can help me make more NFTs?! I knew I was onto something! The future of commerce!”

Quinn (grinning):
“We call it the Q-Ray 3000! It duplicates NFTs—turns one virtual bread into two, or a hundred, or maybe a potato. Results vary.”

Connie (laughing, sarcastic):
“Great. Just what we needed—more imaginary carbs.”

Ignoring the protests, the Q Twins set up the Q-Ray 3000 and point it at Richie’s NFT display. With dramatic flair, they hit a big red button, and a bright beam of light shoots out, hitting the holographic display. For a moment, everything glows neon. Then the chaos begins.

Suddenly, holographic bread starts multiplying—hundreds of them. But instead of staying on the screen, the digital bread flies through the air like a swarm of pixelated locusts. The virtual bottled water follows suit, spraying holographic liquid everywhere.

Quinn (laughing hysterically):
“Success! Kinda?”

Quinton (proudly):
“Definitely changed the game!”

Richie spins around in the middle of the digital chaos, trying to grab flying pieces of bread.

Richie (shouting):
“No! I can sell this! NFT sandwiches! This is the future of food!”

The gang ducks and dodges as the virtual food swarm gets out of control. Gina grabs a pillow, swatting at pixelated water droplets as if they were flies.

Gina (laughing):
“Richie, you might want to reconsider your marketing strategy!”

Alfie (smirking, perfectly calm):
“Or start a virtual bakery. Either works.”

Scene 4: Poker Game Disaster

Setting: The poker table. After the digital storm finally dies down, Richie insists on continuing the poker game, despite losing half his NFT empire. Quinton and Quinn stick around to “help,” but things go awry when Richie bets all his remaining NFTs on a terrible hand—just as “Uptown Funk” comes on and Richie breaks into an impromptu karaoke performance.

Richie starts singing and dancing dramatically, completely distracted from the game.

Richie (singing, over the top):
“Don’t believe me, just watch!”

Meanwhile, the gang smirks, taking advantage of Richie’s distraction to clean him out. By the time Richie finishes his performance, he’s lost everything.

Richie (panting from his performance, looking down at the table in shock):
“What… what happened?”

Connie (grinning):
“Guess the house always wins… unless you’re too busy singing to notice.”

Scene 5: Conclusion – Connie’s Realization

Setting: Later that night, after the NFT disaster and the poker game, Connie and Alfie step back toward the reality machine. Connie, now calmer, glances back at the alternate realities.

Connie (reflective):
“You know, maybe reality isn’t something you find. Maybe it’s something you make.”

Alfie (smiling):
“Exactly. Reality isn’t set in stone. If you don’t like what you see, change it. And if you do like it, make it your own.”

Connie nods, finally at peace with the chaos around her.

Connie (grinning):
“Well, in that case, I’m definitely leaving holographic bread out of my reality.”

Alfie (laughing):
“A wise choice.”


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