The Inside Joke: Stop Falling for the Cosmic Hustle!

The Inside Joke: Stop Falling for the Cosmic Hustle!

Imagine being an Archon or a Negative Reptilian. Your entire magical resume consists of... illusions. Yup, that's right—smoke and mirrors to fool people into using their own power against themselves. It’s like being the magician who only knows card tricks, but everyone else at the party can bend reality. And yet, here we are, with people getting hustled like it’s the cosmic street corner.

Step Right Up, Don’t Believe Your Eyes Picture this: You’re walking down a cosmic alleyway, minding your own business, when—bam!—you get hit with the old “your life sucks” illusion. You start questioning your abilities, your decisions, and whether or not anyone ever actually liked your high school haircut. But here’s the joke—it’s all a sham! These Archons and Reptilians are slinging emotional sleight-of-hand tricks while we keep falling for it.

The Punchline? They literally have no real power. Their only move is making you doubt yourself. They get you to use your own magic (freewill) against yourself. It’s like someone convincing you to throw your own wallet into the garbage while they just stand there, laughing like they’re some twisted cosmic game show host.

Illusion 101: How They Get You It’s all in the marketing. They’re like the ultimate puppeteers, experts in cosmic gaslighting. "Feeling unworthy? It's probably because you're actually powerless." Says the illusionist. (Cue the eye roll.) And what do we do? We start doing their job for them! Instead of tapping into our super-conscious creator power, we let their cheap parlor tricks shake us.

Listen up, we are the real magic makers here! We’re super-conscious creators. Our thoughts, emotions, and intentions are what mold reality—not some two-bit cosmic puppeteer trying to make us believe otherwise. The only way their tricks work is if we forget who we really are.

Reclaim the Remote Think of your life like a reality TV show, and you’re holding the remote. Why, oh why, would you ever hand it over to some cosmic prankster who can’t do anything without tricking you first? Change the channel to You, the Super-Conscious Creator, and watch as their illusions fade into nothingness.

How to Spot an Archon Trying to Mess with You

  1. Random Thoughts of Self-Doubt: Sneaky whispers like, “Are you sure you’re good enough?” That’s an Archon trying to punk you. Tell them, "No one asked for your cosmic Yelp review."

  2. The Comparison Trap: You’re scrolling social media, and bam—you suddenly think everyone else is more magical. Classic Archon bait. Put down the phone, and remind yourself you’re a dragon in a sea of hamsters.

  3. Feeling Drained for No Reason: This is their favorite party trick—to drain your energy without you even realizing it. Drink some water, take a breath, and moonwalk out of their illusion.

Don’t Let Them Feed on You Here’s the real kicker: these Archons and Reptilians? They feed on your doubt, fear, and negativity. It’s like a twisted buffet for them, where your stress and worry are the main course. The more you doubt yourself, the tastier you become for their sick, twisted games.

But guess what? You are no one's meal. Do not allow yourself to be food for their weak, manipulative tricks. They’re hungry for your energy, but you hold the power to starve them by staying true to your super-conscious self.

The Real Punchline: You’re the Boss The ultimate joke is on them: they can only trick you if you let them. Their whole game is built on illusions. We’re out here creating realities, while they’re stuck trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Once you stop falling for their tricks, they’ve got nothing left. They’re just the smoke trying to hide your light.

Remember, the next time life feels like a cosmic hustle, it’s not because you’re powerless. It’s because someone’s trying to fool you into forgetting that you are the super-conscious creator of your own reality. Don’t fall for the inside joke—because the real joke is on them.

Footnoot: The power of collective consciousness. They better hope we don't all imagine them trapped in a jar as flies fighting over a piece of dog sh*t. Wonder what weapons and wars they create in that reality.*

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