Episode Title: Armageddon Outta Here, Part 2 - The Tie

Episode Title: "Armageddon Out of Here Part 2: The Tie"

Opening Scene:

  • [Scene: Cosmic Battle] The gang is in the middle of a climactic showdown with the main brat behind all the chaos. Just as they’re about to land the final blow, Connie, in her typical quirky fashion, opens a portal with a flamboyant gesture.

  • [Cut to: Infinity Lounge] The scene shifts to a cosmic lounge where gods are gathered around a glowing celestial chessboard. Galaxies swirl and twinkle as the gods make their moves.


  • God 1 (leaning back, casually stroking his beard): "You know, we could just call it a tie. Everyone else went to the club."

  • God 2 (scratching his head, perplexed): "Wait, they went where?"

  • God 1 (with a nonchalant shrug): "Infinity Lounge. Zeus, Ra, Loki… Half-price ambrosia special."

  • God 2 (raising an eyebrow): "Did Hades go too?"

  • God 1 (nodding enthusiastically): "Yeah, Cerberus is DJing. It’s epic."

  • [Scene: The gods abandon the chess game] The gods stand up, leaving the celestial chessboard behind as they head to the lounge, leaving the fate of the multiverse uncertain.

Back to the Gang:

  • [Scene: The gang is left in stunned silence]

  • Alphy (sighing dramatically): “And this is why we can never have nice universes.”

Plot Twist:

  • [Scene: The gang decides to follow] Realizing their cosmic confrontation might have been in vain, the gang decides to check out the Infinity Lounge.

  • [Cut to: Infinity Lounge] The crew arrives at the lounge, which is a vibrant mix of neon lights, swirling galaxies, and a wild dance floor. Zeus is showing off his dance moves, Loki is orchestrating a prank on unsuspecting revelers, and Ra is lounging with a drink.

Richie’s Karaoke Moment:

  • [Scene: The gang is at the Infinity Lounge] Richie, eager to show off his style, takes to the karaoke stage with all the enthusiasm of a cosmic rock star. The lounge is buzzing with energy as Richie grabs the mic.

  • Richie (excitedly): “Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the greatest karaoke performance in the multiverse!”

  • [Scene: Richie starts singing “We Are Family”] Richie’s rendition is hilariously off-key, his attempts at hitting the high notes causing the crowd to wince and laugh.

  • [Scene: The gang is in stitches] The gang is doubled over with laughter at Richie’s performance. The chaos of the karaoke act distracts everyone from the poker game that’s happening in the background.

  • [Poker Table Moment: Richie wins a hand] In a shocking twist, Richie actually wins a poker hand — but only because the gang is too busy laughing at his off-key singing to pay attention to the game.

  • Alphy (between laughs): “Who knew Richie’s karaoke skills were a winning strategy?”

  • Richie (grinning, out of breath): “See? Told you my performance could shake things up!”

Final Scene:

  • [Scene: The gods are still partying] As the gang enjoys the cosmic party, Alfie and the Brat sit at the negotiating table, working out their issues.

Resolution Scene:

  • [Cut to: Negotiating Table] Alfie and the Brat are seated at a grand negotiating table, resolving their differences.

  • Alfie (looking stern but calm): “Listen, brother, I’m here just to warn you. Stop throwing rocks at Mom.”

  • The Brat (looking down, remorseful): “I’m sorry for throwing rocks and breaking your dinosaur toys.”

  • Alfie (gesturing to the portal): “Look up at the portal. They’re not even playing anymore. It’s all just cosmic noise.”

  • [Scene: The Brat looks up at the portal] The Brat sees the gods at the Infinity Lounge, still partying and having a great time, completely oblivious to the cosmic chaos they left behind.

  • Alfie (softening): “So let’s call it a truce. We’ll sort out our issues, and maybe, just maybe, we can avoid a cosmic catastrophe next time.”

  • The Brat (nodding): “Deal.”

  • [Scene: The Brat and Alfie shake hands] The cosmic tension dissolves as they come to an agreement.


  • [Cue theme song] The crew heads back to the lounge, where Richie is still basking in his karaoke glory, and the cosmic party continues with laughter and dancing.


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