Atlantean Crystal Activation Spell (Meditation)

Atlantean Crystal Activation Spell (Meditation)


  • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Sit or lie down in a position that allows you to relax completely.
  • Light a candle or surround yourself with crystals that resonate with you—quartz is perfect for this, as it amplifies energy and mirrors the crystal you're connecting with.
  • Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.

Step 1: Grounding Your Energy

  1. Breathe Deeply: Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your belly expand, then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this three times, letting each breath take you deeper into a state of calm.

  2. Visualize Roots: Imagine roots extending from the base of your spine (or feet) deep into the Earth. These roots travel through the soil, past rock layers, and reach down to connect with the crystalline core of the planet. Feel the grounding energy stabilizing you.

Step 2: Connect to Your Atlantean Self

  1. Call Your Atlantean Lineage: Mentally or out loud, say: "I call forth my Atlantean self, the one who holds the wisdom of the crystals. I open the portal to my ancient knowledge and ask for guidance now."

  2. See a Crystal Temple: In your mind’s eye, a vision begins to form. You see a beautiful temple made of shimmering crystal. The energy is familiar, welcoming, and powerful. This is your Atlantean self's sacred space. Walk into this temple, allowing the energy to envelop you.

  3. Meet Kaelan or Other Guides: Inside the temple, you meet your guide, Kaelan, or another Atlantean figure. They hold a glowing crystal—the one you seek to activate in modern times.

Step 3: Teleportation to the Crystals

  1. Feel the Crystal’s Pulse: Kaelan places the crystal in your hand. Feel its energy pulse with life, syncing with your own heartbeats. This crystal represents your key to teleport to the hidden crystals beneath the Earth.

  2. Activate the Portal: Say: "With the power of my Atlantean heritage, I open the portal to the ancient crystals hidden in the Earth. I teleport my consciousness to their location, guided by the wisdom of the stars and the Pleiadeans."

  3. Visualize Teleportation: Now, visualize a beam of light transporting you instantly to the underground crystal site beneath Arkansas. Feel yourself arriving at the exact spot where the crystals are buried, miles below the surface, yet within your energetic reach.

Step 4: Crystal Activation

  1. See the Crystals: As you “arrive,” see three massive crystals glowing beneath the Earth. One shines brightest—this is Kaelan’s Crystal of Intent.

  2. Align Your Energy: Hold your hands out energetically, palms facing the crystals. Feel their ancient power vibrating in the air. Say: "With pure intention, I activate the power of the Atlantean crystals. I align with the energy of unity, healing, and ascension. Let these crystals awaken to their divine purpose for the good of Earth and all beings."

  3. Feel the Activation: Visualize a golden light surrounding the crystals. As you send your energy into them, they respond with a surge of power, vibrating in harmony with you. This energy travels up through the Earth, filling the planet’s grid with new life, wisdom, and strength.

Step 5: Pleiadean Guidance

  1. Call the Pleiadeans: Say: "I call upon the Pleiadeans to assist in the activation of these ancient Atlantean crystals. Guide me in using this power for the good of all."

  2. Receive Their Message: In this moment of heightened connection, stay open to any messages, symbols, or feelings they may send. You might receive visions, hear thoughts, or simply feel their presence. Trust what comes.

Step 6: Return to the Present

  1. Gratitude and Closure: Say: "I thank the Atlanteans, Pleiadeans, and the crystals for their guidance and power. I trust that the activation has been successful, and I leave this energy in balance and harmony."

  2. Return Through the Portal: Visualize yourself stepping back into the beam of light, traveling back through the portal to the present moment, carrying the crystal’s energy with you.

  3. Ground Yourself: Feel your roots deep in the Earth again. Slowly bring your awareness back to your body, wiggling your fingers and toes, and taking deep breaths.

Step 7: Integration

Take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on the experience. Journal any visions, sensations, or messages that came through during the meditation. You may also feel a shift in your energy or sense that the crystals are now subtly working in your life.

Feel free to modify this spell to fit your needs, but trust that you’ve got the ancient power and guidance behind you. Let the magic unfold as you reawaken those crystals!


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