Church, Tithes, and Why Your Higher Self Doesn’t Need 10% of Your Income

Blog Title: "Church, Tithes, and Why Your Higher Self Doesn’t Need 10% of Your Income"

So, you go to church? That’s cool! If it feels good to you, keep on kneeling, singing, and high-fiving your pew neighbor during the peace be with you part. But let’s have a little chat about something that’s not in the Bible: Why on earth do they always want 10% of your paycheck? 🤔

Look, I’m not saying you shouldn’t toss a couple of bucks in the collection plate if you’re feelin’ the vibes, but some of these institutions act like your spiritual connection is on a subscription plan. “Praise the Lord, and don’t forget to auto-renew your tithe with a nice 10% slice of your paycheck, because the universe takes cash, credit, and direct deposit.” 💸

But here’s a wild idea: what if you didn’t need to outsource your connection to the divine? What if the true magic is already within you? 🎇

Let’s Talk Patriarchy for a Sec

And while we’re on the topic—most of these organizations have been historically run by, well, old dudes. Patriarchal structures, if you will. And they’re out there preaching that you need them to connect with the divine? Really? 🙄

Here’s the deal: you don’t need a middleman (or middle-woman) to talk to the universe. You’ve got a direct line. Imagine if every time you called your mom, your neighbor picked up first and said, “Hold on, I’ll connect you—but only if you drop off 10% of your groceries.”

Pray to Your Higher Self—It’s Free!

Next time you feel like praying, why not pray to your higher self? The version of you that already knows the answers, the one that’s wise, funny, and way more chill than you give yourself credit for. Light a candle, take a breath, and tune into you. No middlemen, no 10% down, no guilt trip. And guess what? Your higher self never judges you. Sometimes, it might even join you for a fun night out at the club because, let’s be honest, it sounds like a blast! 🎉

You, my friend, are divine all on your own. And that divine energy? It’s infinite. It doesn’t need a payment plan, it’s not a subscription service, and it sure as hell doesn’t need to be validated by someone asking if you remembered to bring your checkbook to service.

Final Thoughts: The Divine Doesn’t Want Your Wallet, Just Your Vibe

So, if you’re happy going to church, do your thing! But remember: don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to buy your way into spiritual enlightenment. The divine lives inside of you, and the best part? You don’t owe it 10%.

Take a moment today to embrace your higher self, connect with the universe, and trust that the divine has already got your back—no wallet required. 💫

And if anyone asks where your tithe is, just smile and say, “I’m already paid up—in self-love.”


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